
Message from the Principal

Welcome to WHEELS! I am so proud to serve our incredible school community. The mission of our school is to work with families to prepare each pre-K through twelfth grade student academically, emotionally, intellectually, and socially to succeed in a post-secondary institution of their choice and beyond. We relentlessly pursue this mission inside and outside of our classrooms and have since our founding in 2006, our first graduating class in 2012, our expansion to elementary grades in 2014, and today. 

As a PreK-12, we have a unique opportunity to build deep relationships with students and families over many years and transitions. We also are lucky to maintain close relationships with many of our alumni, who continue to provide feedback that shapes change in our school. 

The relationships between students, alumni, families, and staff have also called us to action to continue to improve our school and our results. We aim to embody the EL Education Equity Pillars:

  • Instruction and assessment that challenge, engage, and empower learners
  • Access to standards-based, content-rich, culturally affirming curriculum
  • School culture that fosters positive identity, belonging, agency, and purpose
  • Explicit anti-racist discussion, practice, and action

Throughout our website, which has been remodeled and will be re-made by students, I hope you see what makes our school special, places where we pursue these Pillars, and places where you might contribute to make our community stronger. 
